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Hydrogen storage tanks and turbines.

Hydrogen Capabilities

As one of the globe’s pioneering hydrogen cities, Aberdeen is the ideal location for the testing facility as its importance as a green energy hub grows. Hy-One brings together a plethora of highly experienced individuals to build on existing research strengths and develop new opportunities. By coming together, RGU and the NSC will leverage their current capabilities in the fields of: 


  • Electrolysis materials

  • Solid oxide electrolysis

  • Hydrogen from nuclear

  • Boosting efficiency



  • Environmental impact analysis of production

  • Hydrogen policy development

  • Carbon budget 


  • Storage materials 

  • Vessel prototype development

  • Composite materials

  • ​Vessel and component testing


  • Decarbonising energy sectors, transportation and buildings

  • UPS systems

The Facilit


In addition to obtaining new facilities as the project progresses, the team will also utilise a range of existing labs across RGU and the NSC. 

Prototype & Concept Development

Hydrogen Vessel & Component Testing

  • Hy-One will engage with prototypes and concepts through the different scales of TRL1 to TRL9, particularly supporting early-stage concept evaluation.

  • The team will offer advice to businesses in terms of developing prototypes and concepts, as well as providing a guide to storage vessel developers and manufacturers on the best practices for testing, improving and evaluating new and upcoming technologies.


  • Hy-One will provide technical reports on current and future understandings of technology and influence governmental standards for the development of compressed hydrogen storage vessels.

  • Hydrogen exposure permeation and leakage testing for materials, valves, tanks, links and connections of the storage vessels.

  • Using sensors, measurement equipment and data acquisition system.

  • Exposure testing for absorption/desorption quantification.

  • Above-ground, underground, underwater and component testing.


Hydrogen Cluster Development

  • Hy-One will also provide comprehensive certifications and compliance qualifications aligned with the current national standards, practices and guidelines.

  • Allowing suitable compressed storage vessels developed in the Scottish hydrogen supply chain and supporting further renewable hydrogen production and the integration of hydrogen into our energy systems.

  • Hy-One will facilitate the development of a hydrogen cluster in Scotland. Support the creation of job opportunities within the sector through technological development and economic expansion.

  • Facility and hydrogen cluster will also provide confidence in the mobility of smaller-scale hydrogen storage as a business and social behaviour in support of the technological developments.

  • The facility will provide training and development for the local and regional supply chain within the hydrogen cluster.

School of Engineering lab at RGU.
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